Recently on Bird Talk LIVE Online we enjoyed Yvonne Patterson Burbach’s 40 years of aviculture experience and ten things that can kill your bird. Yvonne even sang a country song that relates to aviculture.
Ginger Duplisse of Ginger’s Parrots Casa Grande AZ a certified bird trainer and rescue operator shared plenty of helpful information about positive reinforcement, force free training. Ginger’s rescue is specific for Senegal Parrots and she shared lots of interesting info about Senegal’s.
Yvonne Patterson Burbach will be returning soon on air to discuss more about her experience as a rain forest photo journalist and issues with wild birds in the rain forest, habitat destruction etc.
Ginger Duplisse has conveyed interest in participating in a series of bird talk radio shows on the subject of behavior training, positive reinforcement force free training.
KC Bird Whisperer International Productions will be launching a series of robust promotional campaigns this summer and fall to increase online presence and listening audience.
Bird Talk LIVE Online is contracted with Voice America to premier this summer on their Variety Channel with 32 million listeners on their network.
Jessica Pineda, Editor in Chief of Bird Talk Magazine will be LIVE on air with Mike Kiger host of Bird Talk LIVE Online in about two weeks to share the return of Bird Talk Magazine to print.
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